Rev. Dr. Richard Howell
PhD (Theology) SHUATS, Allahabad, UP.
President & Professor Christian Theology

Rev. Dr. Samuel Richmond Saxena
PhD (Theology) SHUATS, Allahabad, UP.
Executive Director & Professor Christian Theology

Dr. Praveen Paul
D.Th ( Old Testament) Senate of Serampore
Principal & Professor Old Testament

Dr. Saggu Abraham
PhD (Old Testament) Mysore University, Mysore, Karnataka.
Academic Dean, Professor & Head, Biblical Studies

Rev. Albert Lalramzau
M.Th (Systematic Theology) SAIACS, Bangalore, Karnataka. Pursuing PhD (Systematic Theology) OCMS, Oxford, UK.
Registrar & Lecturer (Christian Theology)

Dr. Limasangla Lemtur Paul
D.Th (Theology & Ethics)
HoD Christian Theology & Religion

Dr. Manoja Kumar Korada
PhD (Old Testament) SAIACS, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Assistant Professor (Old Testament)

Rev. Dr Paolen Haokip
D.Th (Christian Theology) Senate of Serampore
Assistant Professor (Christian Theology)

Rev. Ajay Daniel Kale
M.Th (Communication) UTC, Bangalore, Karnataka. Perusing PhD (Communication) NECU, Dimapur, Nagaland.
Lecturer (Communication) and Head, Department of Youth Ministry

Rev. Jyoti Kale
M.Th (Counselling). Pursuing PhD (Counselling) NECU, Dimapur, Nagaland.
Lecturer (Counselling) & Head, Department of Pastoral Care and Counselling

Mr. J. Willingson Shungnai
M.Th (New Testament). Pursuing D.Th (New Testament) FFRRC, Kottayam, Kerala.
Lecturer (New Testament), Coordinator BD Programme

Mrs. Euniki Phaltual
M.Th (Missiology) SAIACS, Bangalore, Karnataka. Pursuing PhD (Intercultural Studies) OCMS, Oxford, UK.
Lecturer (Missiology)

Mrs. Naomi Y Yeptho
M.Th (History of Christianity) FFRRC, Kottayam, Kerala. Pursuing D.Th (History of Christianity) FFRRC, Kottayam, Kerala.
Lecturer (History of Christianity)

Ms. Imtienla Namo
M.Th (Counselling) UTC, Bangalore, Karnatiaka.
Lecturer (Christian Counselling)

Rev. Bendang Toshi
M.Th (Education) Central Philippine University, Iloilo, Philippines
Lecturer (Christian Education)

Rev. Pravin Dhande
M.Th (Religion) SAIACS, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Dean of Student, Coordinator Practical Ministry

Dr. Vishwas Valvi
Ph.D (History), KBC, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Associate Professor / Researcher

Ms. Sabrina Pearl Howell
M.A (English Literature). Pursuing PhD (English) SHUATS, Allahabad, UP.
Dean of Students (Women) & Lecturer (English),

Ms. Monika Rani
M.Th (Missiology), Caleb Institute, Gurugram, Haryana.
Lecturer (Missiology)

Rev. Vinod Moudekar
M.Th (Old Testament) UBS, Pune, Maharastra.
Lecturer (Old Testament)

Mrs. Anugrah Benjamin
M. Th New Testament, UBS, Pune
Lecturer (New Testament)

Mr. Imcha Yanger
Pursuing M.Th (Missiology), Caleb Institute, Gurugram, Haryana.
Lecturer Missiology

Ms. Elizabeth R. Infimate
M. Th (Missiology)
Lecturer (Missiology)

Rev. Meena Bhati
M.Th (Religion) NIIPGTS, Serampore, West Bengal
Lecturer (Religion)

Mr. Ram Pal
M.Th (Religion), Gurukul, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Lecturer (Religion)

Rev. Pradeep Raghuwanshi
M.Th (Missiology) Caleb Institute, Gurugram, Haryana
Lecturer (Missiology)

Ms. Mandeep Kaur
M.Th (New Testament) Caleb Institute, Gurugram, Haryana
Lecturer (Missiology)

Ms. Renu
M.Div, Caleb Institute, Gurugram, Haryana.
Teaching Assistant

Mr. Marteen Samson
M.Div, Caleb Institute, Gurugram, Haryana.
Teaching Assistant

Mr. Sagaya Edison
M.Lib, Bharathidasan University
Chief Librarian